For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. ¹⁴I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. —Psalm 139:13-14
A recent news story discussed that there is increasing evidence about how the earth and human life began millions of years ago. The Big Bang theory is one view that speculates "something big happened." I agree with the last part of that statement. Something big did happen to start our world and our lives.
But God still prods our hearts with more truth about the sanctity of human life as we read Psalm 139:13-14.
Truth 1: God is integrally involved with creating mankind
It’s clear in verse 13 that God “formed our inward parts and knitted us together in our mother’s womb.” He didn’t “outsource” the job. Human development does not solely come about due to the plans of a man and a woman who get together and decide “let’s make a baby.” God is integrally involved in the creation of His image-bearers, whom He foreknew before the beginning of time.
Truth 2: The creation of man is nothing short of amazing
We are “fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” John Calvin say about verse 14, “…it is sufficiently clear and obvious that David means that he had been fashioned in a manner wonderful, which is calculated to excite both fear and admiration, so that he breaks forth into the praises of God.”
We have a choice to praise God as the Creator or rebel and exalt ideas and plans about creation and human life. Sadly, our nation, rather than treasuring the “least of these,” has instead, legalized abortion throughout all nine months of life. Children are being destroyed in the place where they should be most safe, the womb of their own mothers.
Over 70 percent of the couples who abort their children, many of them married, claim to be Christians. Our country is now seeing the judgment of God as He lifts away His hand of protection and blessing in our country. Personally, I believe this is in part because of the 51 million babies that have died by the choice of abortion over the past 41 years. Let us fervently pray for repentance, a powerful response to the gospel, and personal holiness to come to the people of God in our land.
May these rich truths about the Lordship of God as our creator and Redeemer move our hearts to joyfully worship Him. He has created us and has a plan for His image-bearers from the time of conception, throughout our earthly lives and death, and throughout all eternity. Soli deo Gloria!
For Reflection
Have you ever been in awe of God when you see an expectant woman or a newborn baby?
Do you have any thoughts that have been tainted by our society’s “quality of life” views, or are they a God-centered reaction?
What are some of ways you can be involved with upholding the sanctity of human life for pre-born babies, disabled persons, and the elderly?