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While You Live, Work (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Writer's picture: Patrick DirrimPatrick Dirrim

[Therefore,] my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. —1 Corinthians 15:58

The fifteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians is the longest chapter in the book and it focuses on resurrection. Paul speaks of the resurrection of Jesus, the reality that the dead will be raised, and of the nature of the Christian’s resurrection body.

Because death awaits all people, so does resurrection, either to eternal life or everlasting punishment. The glorious future awaiting Christians is ours because of the person and work of Jesus. It is this beautiful truth that frames the Fighter Verse this week. 

Since Christians know that death is not the final movement in their life but is rather a magnificent transition into the presence of the Lord, they are freed to always abound in the work of the Lord. Death may end their work here, but it will also take them to their King. Since that is the case, Paul focuses on two particular traits that would serve all Christians well: steadfastness and immovability.

Steadfastness in a Christian is seen in consistent action and perseverance over time. A steadfast life moves toward being more like Christ even in the face of doubt, challenges, and difficulties. Steadfastness is putting one foot in front of the otherstep after stepuntil one reaches the end.

Immovability in a Christian means being able to resist pressure and remain stable. Someone who is immovable stands strong even in the face of outside temptations and active opposition. Immovability is like a lighthouse that resolutely stands tall even as massive waves crash against it.

As Christians seek to abound in the life-giving work of the Lord, calling people to repent and put their faith and trust in Jesus, they will face resistance. That’s because to the lost and dying, the gospel is foolishness and not what they want to hear. 

Thankfully the traits of steadfastness and immovability flow from God and are provided by Him through the Holy Spirit. They enable the Christian to abound in this life-giving work. As those who look forward to our own resurrection, we labor to call others to experience this life too, in fulfillment of the great commission. May we joyfully abound in this work knowing what great rewards await us. 


For Reflection

  1. Do you ever think about the resurrection that awaits you as a follower of Christ? If so, how does it affect your life?

  2. How would you rate your steadfastness and immovability as they relate to your Christian faith? 

  3. Where do you need to grow in steadfastness or immovability?


Pat Dirrim and his wife Barbara helped start Grace Fellowship church in Cumming, Georgia 20 years ago. They have worshipped there ever since, outside of the two years when they served as missionaries in Guatemala. They've been married for 29 years and have seven children, three of whom remain at home, and one grandson. Grace Fellowship has been using Truth78 curriculum from the start and the Dirrims have introduced it to many other churches, as well as trained others how to use it. 

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