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Writer's pictureCandice Watters

What We Deserve (Romans 6:23)

[For] the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 6:23

Wages are in the news of late as striking dockworkers shut down ports across the U.S. in the hope of getting their demands for higher pay. The strike was short-lived because port employers agreed to a 62% wage increase over the next six years–giving striking workers significantly more pay for the same work. This is no small negotiation. At stake is millions of dollars. But this is nothing compared to what we’re owed in exchange for our sin.

Paul tells the Roman Christians that sin earns its own wage–a payout that none of us wants: death. But all of us have earned it. Earlier in his letter he wrote, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Death is the appointed end of every person ever born.

It’s shocking if you stop to think about it. Sadly, few do. That’s understandable given our culture’s obsession with getting what we deserve, and avoiding what we don’t. It’s a favorite go-to among advertisers who tell us we should buy their goods because “you deserve it.” You’ve earned that pedicure, week at the spa, new sweater, whatever you desire. Promotions, vacations, pay raises, all the “good things” in life often prompt friends to chime in: "You deserve it!" 

On the flip side, people are quick to cluck-cluck over trials, suffering, and bad news. How could this happen to such a nice person? She doesn’t deserve it! It’s easy to absorb this way of thinking unwittingly, since it’s so prevalent. But is it true? Are we so good as to deserve it when good things happen? Are we so bad as to deserve tragedies? We kid ourselves in both cases. Every good gift comes to us not because we’ve earned it, but because God is a loving Father (James 1:17). And nothing bad we endure on earth will come close to what we deserve to suffer (Mark 9:47-49).

Paul tells us plainly what we deserve: death. That’s the price of our sin, a price every one of us has earned. We have it coming to us. If left to ourselves, we will die and spend eternity suffering in hell. Again, not something people like to think about. But when we face facts, we see a glorious second half to this verse, a staggering counter offer to what we deserve. It’s what we don’t deserve, not one of us–life. Not only can we live forever and not die, but this comes to us at no cost. It sounds too good to be true. That’s the meaning of grace.

But this free gift of eternal life isn’t cost-free. It comes to those who humbly receive it at infinite cost to the One in whom it rests: Christ Jesus. He died a brutal death for sins He didn’t commit–our sins–so that anyone who believes on Him, in faith, repenting and turning from their sins, is welcomed into the kingdom of light and life forever (Colossians 1:13)

We sinful people definitely do not deserve eternal life in the presence of God. But He has graciously made a way for us to be saved. Trust in Christ, the One who paid your penalty on the cross, and you won’t get what you deserve. That's the best news of all. 


For Reflection

  1. Are you prone to think that bad circumstances are not fair, not what you deserve? Consider Job 2:10, “Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.”

  2. Are you inclined to take pride when good things come your way? Remember James 1:17 and give thanks. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

  3. It’s easy to forget that death is coming for all of us. Brothers and sisters, let’s meditate this week on that certainty, and marvel: we’ve been set free from the curse of death in Christ Jesus our Lord!


Candice Watters is a wife, mom, and editor of Fighter Verses. She co-authored Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having Babies with her husband, Steve. She loves teaching 5th graders in Sunday school as they learn together about the providence of God.


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