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Writer's pictureLori Myers

What To Do With the Burdens of Life (Psalm 55:22)

Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. —Psalm 55:22.

This prayer of David came in the midst of his very real and serious troubles. His anguish came from a close friend who betrayed him. David’s recourse was prayer, not revenge; he left that to God. He trusted God, knowing his prayer would be heard, knowing his God saves and redeems those who humbly turn to Him. They would not be moved or cast down to destruction as the evil ones would be. (See entire Psalm 55 for context.)

Peter quoted this verse within 1 Peter 3:6-11 to encourage believers to cast their anxieties on God and trust Him because He cares for them. God promises to sustain His children in the midst of the burdens of life. Christ bore our biggest burden, our sin, on the cross already. He is more than able to handle the burdens and troubles we face every day.

But sometimes I feel that the hard, overwhelming troubles of life seem to be easier to cast on the Lord because I have nothing within myself that can manage or navigate those trials. I know that I need Him in times like the loss of a loved one, major health issues, financial and relational sorrows. However, lately, I’ve seen how this promise is valid also for the day-to-day burdens of life we face. Those anxieties are what we are to give to God as well. God loves to care for His children and loves it when we turn to Him for help, even in the mundane, little things that make up our lives. We need to rely on Him rather than try to do things in our own strength. As Corrie Ten Boom said: “Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.”

God has helped me do the work He has called me to do and do it for His glory, both in my vocation and the daily things in family life. When I struggle with technology issues, get frustrated because of misunderstandings in communication, or other minor issues, I’m learning to look to God. I find in Him true help and a strengthening of my trust in Him for the best outcomes. He teaches me that if I try to take things into my own (incapable) hands, or try to fix problems myself, my exasperation will dishonor Him and make things much worse.

This practice of trusting God with our burdens seems to be a secret to having peace and joy during big trials and small troubles. God’s comfort and sustaining grace are available to those who turn to Him, casting their worries and cares on Him. He brings good out of each one of them (Romans 8:28). With this promise, there is always hope.

Thank You, Lord, for being our faithful burden-bearer —both for our sins and for our troubles. Thank You for Your love and care for us and those whom You’ve given us to care for. Thank You that we can rely on You to sustain us through the trials of life, both big and small. Help us trust You moment by moment, and give You all the glory for the good You constantly do. You are great and worthy of all praise!


For Reflection

  1. What trials have you had a hard time giving over to God?

  2. What might it look like if you saw yourself as God’s child and see Him as your loving Father who longs to help and care for you?

  3. Where does pride or self-reliance hinder this kind of vulnerability and trust in God amid the trials of life?


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