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Vividly Remember and Bless the Lord (Psalm 103:11-14)

Leo Novakovskiy

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; ¹²as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. ¹³As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. ¹⁴For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. —Psalm 103:11-14

Remembering the benefits of the Lord is the key to fostering a soul that blesses the Lord. David continues to preach to his soul by vividly reminding himself of the Lord’s steadfast love, forgiveness, and compassion. These magnificent attributes are contrasted with the frail state of mankind.

As High As the Heavens

How can we express the benefits of the Lord?  In his attempt to describe the steadfast love of God, David invokes the image of skies. The great love of God is an immeasurable attribute and is therefore represented by an immeasurable image. This love however is not distributed equally to all people but is reserved for those who fear him (v. 11). For those who fear Him "may not sin" (Exodus 20:20), they have the Lord's eyes upon them (Psalm 33:18). His steadfast love for us is immeasurable. Bless the Lord!

As Far As the East

How burdened are we by our forgiven sins? Do the sins of our past continue paralyze us or do we feel they have been removed? Are they as far away as the immeasurable distance described, as the east is from the west? On the Day of Atonement, Aaron would confess the sins of the people and symbolically put them on the head of a live goat. This goat would then be sent out into the wilderness, bearing all of the iniquities of the people in the wilderness (Leviticus 16:20–22). How much further have our iniquities been removed by the redemptive work of Christ. Bless the Lord!

As a Father Shows Compassion

How does the Lord show compassion to those who fear him? Like a father to his children. The love, forgiveness, and compassion of the Lord are not delivered in a sterile way, but in the nurturing way of a father to his children. Through Christ we have been adopted into the family of God (Ephesians 1:5) and are the children of God (Romans 8:16). We have a compassionate Father in heaven. Bless the Lord!

For He Knows Our Frame

Does the Lord expect more from us than we can handle? Does He act like an overbearing Father with unreachable expectations? Absolutely not! He knows our frame and is himself our strength (Ephesians 6:10), the one sanctifying us (1 Thessalonians 5:23), and the one turning men of dust into men of heaven (1 Corinthians 15:48–49). All through the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. Bless the Lord!

When David preaches to his soul he does it in a vivid way. Remember the immeasurable attributes of God; remember his great love, forgiveness, and compassion. Remember that you are dust, with a Father in heaven who is empowering you. Remember, and bless the Lord.



1. How is your fear of the Lord expressed in the way you live?

2. Have you been freed from the burden of your forgiven sins?

3. Ask God to show you His goodness as your heavenly Father.

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