Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. ³⁴Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died-more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. —Romans 8:33-34
The judge bangs the gavel to focus the attention of the court. The verdict is in. Everyone in the courtroom has been waiting for this moment. The prosecution and defense both rise to hear the decision—a few simple words that will alter the course of many lives. High profile court cases capture our attention. Whether it is Derek Chauvin, O.J. Simpson, or Bernie Madoff, many tune in to see the verdict. Following the decision, there is often an emotional reaction and speculation on whether the verdict will stand or if the guilty party will appeal. For those trusting in Christ, the ultimate verdict is in: forgiven in Christ. But they may have a similar thought come to mind. Am I really saved? Did Jesus really pay the full price? Is it true that I will never again be under the condemnation of God?
The Apostle Paul begins Romans 8 with the amazing verdict: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (8:1). Then, throughout the chapter, Paul puts on display the wonderful new reality the believer enjoys in Christ. Now, near the end of this chapter, Paul comes back to this concept with rhetorical questions to drive home the reality that God’s verdict is final: No condemnation.
As sinful people, we recognize that the lack of condemnation is not because of a lack of sin. There are certainly things in our lives worthy of condemnation—which is what often may make us question the verdict—but Paul demonstrates that the Judge has spoken, and the price has been paid. That is why there is not, nor will there ever be, condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Who shall bring any charge?
Perhaps someone will bring a charge against you. What happens then? Paul’s response: God is the one who justifies. The Judge has already spoken. He is the just Judge of all the earth who always does what is right (Genesis 18:25). He does not change His mind (Malachi 3:6). Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? A person in Christ is justified by the Living God, the Judge of Heaven and Earth, so it is totally impossible for any charge to be brought against those who are His. This is certain because God is the Judge, and the Judge has rendered His verdict: no condemnation in Christ.
Who shall condemn?
Would it ever be possible for the payment of the penalty of sin to be required of us? Paul answers this question by pointing to the payment. There is absolutely no condemnation for those who are in Christ; this is because the One who sacrificed Himself for the sins of those who are His people is also a resurrected and living advocate and intercessor for them. Jesus paid the price, and He ever lives and intercedes for those He has redeemed (Hebrews 7:25).
The verdict is in, friends. Paul has shown us through this courtroom scene and two rhetorical questions that if you are in Christ, if you are trusting in Jesus, you are saved from the wrath of God. This is made certain for all time by God’s verdict and the risen Savior’s sacrifice. May you trust in Jesus and know with certainty and confidence that you are always His.
For Reflection
When you sin, do you question your salvation? How does an attitude like this minimize what Christ has done and what God has decreed?
When you sin, do you confess it to God and thank Him for already rendering both payment and verdict? Do you run toward Him or away from Him?
With whom can you share the hope of Jesus Christ this week? Who needs to know this great news?

Nate Miller is the Associate Preaching Pastor at Revive Church in Brooklyn Park, MN. Nate and his wife, Angela, live in Brooklyn Park and have three children.