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The Proof That God Is For Us (Romans 8:33-34)

Dustin Crowe
Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. —Romans 8:33-34

When Paul asks the question “who will bring a charge against us?” he’s not saying no one will try but that no one will succeed. What are the empty threats of our accusers when we have the weighty promises of our Advocate? What is the worst from our enemies when we have the best from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Romans 8:33-34 reminds our frail and forgetful hearts not to listen to our accusers—who have no power—but to listen to our Advocate—who has all the power.

This begs the question, who are our accusers? There are at least three: other people, ourselves, and our great adversary Satan. At various times all three seem to take the stand against us with strong allegations. Unfortunately for us, the evidence they point to seems overwhelming. We have sinned. We are guilty. We do choose our way over God’s way.

Paul doesn’t deny our guilt or the resulting charges. He eclipses them with Christ’s vindication of us and victory for us. Our charges have been cleared through Christ’s death (Colossians 2:14). There is therefore now no condemnation because for those in Christ there are no outstanding charges, no unpaid debt, and no remaining punishment. Christ, our advocate, has paid it all.

I can look back at the cross to see what I deserved and to know how God can and did forgive me, but I can also look to my risen and ascended Lord with confidence of my new reward, standing, and destiny. Christ’s condemnation answers the accusations about my deserving condemnation; and Christ’s intercession in heaven assures me that all the accuser’s charges are silenced by my Advocate’s promises. My hope is in Jesus Christ, the one who once stood in my place at the cross and now stands in my place at the throne.

The Christian fight isn’t a matter of denying who we are or what we’ve done but living on the greater truth of who Jesus is for us and what he’s done on our behalf.  Don’t be ruled by wishy-washy feelings from your deceptive heart but by the rock-solid and objective truth of God’s Word. Replace your accuser’s lies with your Advocate’s promises.

Every indictment of “look at what you’ve done” should be answered with a “yes, but look at what Christ has done for me.” Every allegation of “this is who you really are” is met by looking to Christ and believing “my life is now wrapped up in him.” Every lie that “God will not be for you” is undercut by looking to the crucified but risen Lord who is the proof that “God is for us.”


For Reflection

  1. Why is Scripture memory so helpful in fighting the indictments of our accusers?

  2. Do you see yourself as God sees you in Christ or do you look at yourself apart from who you are in Christ?

  3. What lies about your past (sins committed by you or against you) or present struggles are you believing? How can you listen to the Advocate and not the Accuser?

  4. How does Christ’s death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession assure you that you will never stand condemned before God?

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