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Perfect Peace for Uncertain Times (Isaiah 26:3-4)

Melanie Morris
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. 4 Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock. —Isaiah 26:3-4

We live in uncertain times. It is so easy to feel worried and panicked. For many of us, thinking about the future can bring huge swells of fear and anxiety.

I don’t know where you are right now. Perhaps, getting through your day is difficult and scary. Or maybe you aren’t fearful or anxious but simply bored as the monotony of being in “lockdown” slowly chips away at your peace.

Even though I don’t know you or where you are, you have a God who does. He knows you intimately and He is trustworthy. The Scriptures tell us He is an everlasting rock. He is the rock that brings peace not just in easy times, but even and especially in difficult times. He is a rock of peace in fun times and scary times. He is always a rock and His peace is always available to His people.

Our God is the one who was and is and is to come (Revelation 1:8). He wasn’t just a rock and fortress for the generations that came before you. He is here now—in the midst of this global crisis—offering you security and certainty as the foundation of your faith and your life. Our God is a rock that offers such hope and stability that you can have peace in even the most trying of times. Allow yourself a moment to pause and meditate on this encouragement; feel the beauty of this reminder that our God offers perfect peace.

How can we grow in our trust in the Lord and cultivate unshakeable peace in anxious and uncertain times? The most obvious answer is to spend time with God. Read your Bible. Dedicate time to prayer. Pray throughout your day. Practice constant communion with the Lord of the universe. Set your mind on things above. Read books that inspire and encourage you with stories of Christians who have gone before us.

As our human instincts draw us to news from around the country and the world, seek out things that bring His hope. Consider limiting news or television shows that cause you distress or anxiety. Listen to music that reminds you that God is trustworthy. If journaling isn’t part of your regular rhythm, try it! Reflect on God’s goodness to you over time. Pursue His goodness and grace in the here and now. Remind yourself of His faithfulness to His people in general and to you personally. Journal your fears, and journal His praises. Praise Him! Remind yourself that He is worthy of your trust, that He is your everlasting rock.

Talk to friends that point you to Jesus. Encourage others, bless others, look for ministry opportunities. There are many. And turn your gaze heavenward.

In this moment when our minds are restless, I pray that your mind would stay focused on our gracious God. He will keep you in His perfect peace. He is our everlasting rock. We can always trust in Him.


For Reflection

  1. What is your mind stayed on? What do you spend most of the day thinking about?

  2. What do you trust in? Is it the Lord?

  3. How can you remind yourself to trust in the Lord?

  4. How can you encourage someone else in the Lord today?

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