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God Will Complete the Good Work (Philippians 1:6)

Kristin Gilbert
… he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. —Philippians 1:6

And I am sure of this. This first statement Paul writes with confidence. Why is Paul so confident? He is confident because He knows the God whom he serves; a faithful God who opened his eyes to salvation, a faithful God who has been with him, and who will bring to completion his faith.

All believers’ lives have a beginning and the beginning starts with God. He who began a good work in you. God called you, he spoke your name, He had a plan for your life before He spoke your name. There is nothing that we did to gain our salvation and any good work in us is only possible if God is the one at work in us. What is that good work? It’s your redemption, you're being made new in Christ and bringing Him glory. This verse is another reminder that God is the one who began the work! There is nothing we did to start this process. God chose you!

As God is the one who chose you and began a good work in you. He will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. This phrase tells us that our life is not complete. The good work in us is ongoing. This is a sweet promise from our Lord that He doesn’t leave us. He is continually working in us even when we feel we have fallen flat on our face and messed everything up. We can have confidence in a God who will continue to work in us. We do not have to try our hardest to fix our issues. It’s not left up to us to complete our salvation by what we do. No, God is working and will continue until Jesus returns. He started the work and God always finishes what he starts.

This is hope that we can rest in. God will continue to work out His good work in you until His Son’s return. We have a hope to hold on to. Maybe you are walking through a season of temptation, sin, or battle of the flesh. Secure your hope in Christ who is continuing His sanctification in you. He is not done. Your completion will come at the day of Christ.

Remember there was nothing that you did to initiate or earn this good work in your life.

So, also, as you wait for the return of Christ, rely on the power we have in Him to battle temptation. Let His Word find root in you so that your efforts are fueled by His power and not your own energy. It’s not that you do nothing, but that you do nothing on your own or in your own strength. You could not have started the work and you can’t complete it. But He can and we are told that He will.

Rest in the hope that this brings. God began a plan for you. He is working this plan out NOW. And He will complete it when His Son returns!


For Reflection

  1. Are there ways you’re trying to work out your salvation in your own power?

  2. What are one or two ways you can better live in God’s strength this week?

  3. How does knowing God started and will finish the good work in you motivate you to keep going?

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