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Done. All Your Needs Met (Philippians 4:19)

Andrew Johnson

[And] my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:19

Hardships for the Christian can be heavy burdens to carry. But when we bring them to the arms of the Almighty they become light (Matthew 11:29–30).  Poverty may not turn to immediate profitability, but Jesus gives the believer strength to be satisfied in him and thus rest content in his providence.  Abundance and poverty, comfort and persecution—all are granted by the Father with His good purpose in mind. Every circumstance drives us to rest in the promise that God will give us everything that is necessary to be sustained so that He is glorified (4:20).

Surrounding our Fighter Verse this week, Paul writes to thank the Philippians for the generous gift they gave him when he was in need. He encourages them saying their gift was pleasing to God and it came when he was in dire straits (4:18). Any resulting lack they might experience would be supplied.  Paul makes it clear that whatever God sees as a need, whether physical or spiritual, He will supply it according to Christ’s riches.

God supplying all of our needs does not necessarily mean that we will not be hungry. After all, even famine can’t separate us from His love in Christ (Romans 8:35). We are called to be content in all circumstances, even those involving great hardship, for God grants strength to those who are His and grace for every occasion (4:11).

Paul faced “plenty and hunger, abundance and need” with Jesus as his confidence and mainstay. And because of Christ, all of the riches of His grace are working for our good. The “cattle on a thousand hills” are His, and so is all the strength that is needed to get through any difficulty (4:13).

Do we rest in the all-sufficient sustenance of God? Are we discontent when hardships arise, or do we look outside of ourselves for grace and the resources necessary to persevere through the lot He has given? When the treasures of this life rust, we have confidence that our inheritance is imperishable (1 Peter 1:4). Let us hold fast to the Word of life (1 Peter 2:16). Let us gaze upon the beauty of the humble Savior who died for sinners. Let us be satisfied in Him.


For Reflection

  1. What is your typical response to hardship?

  2. What has God done to guarantee His faithfulness to you?

  3. Are you presently enduring hardships in your own strength? Cast yourself on the Lord and look to His strength to sustain you.

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