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Are You Ready, Dear Child? (Ephesians 6:16-18)

Joyce Heinrich
In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, [18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.] —Ephesians 6:16-17 [18]

My husband, Bob, grew up in the middle of a pack of 4 boys and 2 girls—all raised by an attentive German mama. When they left for school each morning their stomachs rejoiced in a delicious breakfast, their faces were scrubbed shining clean, and their clothes were clean and pressed. And their mother did an inventory on each one as they went out the door, “Do you have your lunch? Where is your book bag? And then, the most important check off of all, “Where is your handkerchief? Do you have a handkerchief?” For she knew, that if they had a hankie, they were all set for any event to occur that day—sneezes, coughs, bloody noses, injuries on the playground, jelly on their fingers, paste on their hands, etc. etc.

I hear the echo of her voice in this week’s Fighter Verses…only this time it is our Father doing the check-off! It is Christ’s paternal love that generates these sober reminders…for it isn’t the schoolroom or playground that He prepares us for, but for the battlefield of the Christian life!

“Children,” He calls each morning! “Don’t forget your shield of faith! You really can’t get through a day without it! For by it I will give you the ability to extinguish every single fiery dart that the devil will shoot at you today! So be on guard—look for his temptations and attacks, and exercise your faith through the many verses you have read and learned from my Word! And just call to Me for more faith if you feel your shield is not strong enough.

And I can see you have your helmet of My salvation on your head…but—just because you can’t see it, don’t ever doubt that it is there. You can count on it—that you are eternally saved from sin and from hell, and saved for Me and for heaven, for I have said so! Your helmet makes you impervious to any fatal blow…and no one can get your helmet off—ever!!! I hold it there.

Of course, you will need a weapon of offense; a sword to defeat Satan’s lies and the doubts he will try to plant in your mind and spirit. But the secret is, the sword is actually My Word, and it is sharper than any honed sword of metal. The promises in the Bible will not only defeat Satan, but will give you My guidance and wisdom. In fact, as you read My Word, I will meet you there; it will be our trysting place. Use it today, dear son, dear daughter, and every single day! Hide it in your heart through memory. Then you will never be without its resources.

And here is your best preparation for this day, dear ones…prayer! O, how I delight to hear your voice and your heart singing to Me, talking to Me, asking Me for help and guidance and blessing. O, how quickly I am moved to action when I hear your pleas for intervention and radical help on behalf of friends and family beloved to you! So pray in the morning—now—before you go out to battle. Pray during the battle! Pray at your rest times, and at your meal times, and in the evening! Pray at night on your beds…be always in prayer to Me. I will never ignore you, never not answer you, never leave you defenseless.

So, are you ready, dear child? Do you have your shield of faith? Your helmet of salvation? Your sword of My Word? And have You asked Me yet to remind you to pray all day today?

Please remember, beloved, I will never leave you or forsake you!!!


For Reflection

  1. Tomorrow morning, as you start your day, go through this list of armor in prayer for each piece to be used on your behalf…then keep them in mind and use them during the day.

  2. At the end of the day, assess how the Lord may have delivered you or others through your spiritual offense and defense.

  3. Read this blog with your children…help them to understand that these concepts are true for them and usable now, and how they might avail themselves of God’s help through them.

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