And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. —2 Corinthians 9:8
Last week, we did a short study on the importance God places on our gladness, cheerfulness, and joy as His children—and specifically His love for the generous, cheerful giver. Now, we come to verse 8 that gives context and support to verses 6-7. When we decide in our hearts to give bountifully, cheerfully, with thoughts of blessing the recipient, we can be sure it is not of us but God working His grace in us.
God is all-powerful and able to make all grace abound to us. This abounding grace meets every material need, but more importantly, every spiritual need. Are you concerned that if you give liberally, you will lack? Then, know that God is able to either replenish what you give, or give you contentment in the lesser amount you now have. This is His grace at work in us. Grace that is lavished on us because of Jesus is the assurance that we will never be lacking in eternal treasure.
God’s grace abounds to us giving all sufficiency—not just barely enough, but super-abounding supply given to us to meet every personal need, and overflowing in God’s Kingdom work in the world. In all things and at all times we realize God’s power working in us to super-abound in every good work. God’s eternal love is unstoppable and He has given us, clay vessels that we are, all that is needed to demonstrate it by our good works—in all things and at all times.
For Reflection
Paul is helping the Corinthian church members to individually and personally decide what amount they will give to the collection for the Jerusalem church. When the opportunity to give arises, are you personally reflective? And do you talk with the Lord about the decision to give under His guidance? What good work might He want to multiply through you?
When you put your tithe in the offering plate, do you consider how you can further the impact of your gift through good works? What are some ways you can multiply the gift in what you do (e.g., volunteer in children’s ministry, visit the elderly, pray for your pastor and missionaries, write and speak about God’s love)?
How might the knowledge of God’s grace abounding to you change your heart attitude or the amount you give?