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Abounding Grace (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Rebecca Franks

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. —2 Corinthians 9:8

She wiped the grime off her face as she sat up and winced from the ache of sleeping all night on the hard floor. The sunlight that crawled through the lattice work above her and the barred door seemed to laugh at the contrast it drew. The woman tried to pray and focus her mind on the One who had brought her there, but she couldn’t help but think about being stripped from her husband’s strong grasp and to now be confined on death row of a Japanese prison. The year was 1943, and the woman was Darlene Deibler Rose.

Just the day before, Darlene had received news of her husband’s death at a men’s camp nearby, and as Darlene grieved, the Lord’s words passed through her mind, “My child, did I not say that when Thou passest through the waters I would be with thee, and through the floods, they would not overflow thee?” As Darlene grieved, her faith wavered–yet time and time again, the Lord’s grace sustained Darlene with words of comfort, song, and even kindness from her guards.

“A banana,” thought Darlene, “Lord, I want just one banana!” She began to doubt that the Lord could even bring her one banana. The next day, Darlene heard the guards coming, and prepared herself emotionally for another beating and interrogation. Yet, who strode into her cell was her former camp commander, a harsh man, but nevertheless a familiar face to Darlene. He asked if she had a word for the others, and she replied that she was still trusting in the Lord, and to please tell the others. The next day, the rusty cell door ground open, and one by one, bananas were laid upon the damp floor. There definitely wasn’t just one-there were 92!

Darlene saw firsthand the incredible sufficiency of God to provide for all her needs. All grace abounded to Darlene, and she was able to abound in every good work, encouraging her fellow prisoners, the guards, and even sharing about her lasting hope in Jesus Christ despite her pain and loss. Even amidst the seemingly impossible situation, the Lord gave her sufficiency in all things. To the end of her life, Darlene lived to testify of the faithfulness of the Lord in her life. She wouldn’t have had it any other way.


For Reflection

  1. What trials in your life are burdening you right now? Have you stopped to look for the grace of the Lord abounding in your life?

  2. How has the Lord given you or those you know sufficiency in all things, at all times? Have you asked the Lord for this?

  3. What good works can you be abounding in right now in the grace and sustaining power of our all-powerful God?

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