What is the Fighter Verses Program?
Fifty-two Scripture passages per year, for five years, selected to arm you for the fight of faith, and equip you to stand against unbelief and sin.
Individuals, families, and churches encouraging one another to memorize God’s Word for their unity, maturity, and perseverance in the faith.
Devotionals to help you meditate on the passage of the week and apply the verses to your life.
Why Fighter Verses?
Because every follower of Jesus is called to fight the good fight.​
"Jesus defeated the devil’s temptations with the use of a memorized passage of Scripture. And in Ephesians 4:17, Paul called the word of God 'the sword of the Spirit.' We cannot successfully overcome sin and Satan without the present treasure of precious words of God—'fighter verses.'" —John Piper
Verse Collections
The original collection. Passages focus on God's character, worth, and promises; battling sinful desires, and the hope of the gospel.
Extended Memory Verses
For those who want to memorize longer passages of Scripture. Includes Philippians, James, Romans 5-8, the Sermon on the Mount, and more. App Exclusive
Foundation Verses
Especially for toddlers and pre-readers. Seventy-six short passages lay a firm biblical foundation for life. Paired with color illustrations to help children remember each verse. App Exclusive
Our Story
In a third-grade classroom in 1976, God put it in the heart of teacher Linda McIntire to arm her students with God’s Word by encouraging them to memorize 120 passages of Scripture. She called them the “Fighter Verses.” Linda shared the list with her sister, Sally Michael who, along with her husband David, continued to add verses to the list and memorized them with their own two daughters. They hoped their girls would commit them to memory by the time they reached adulthood. Word got out and before long, David and Sally, co-founders of Truth78, were printing the verses on cards to share with others, eager to encourage the habit of Bible memory.
Ten years later, the Michaels expanded their vision for Fighter Verses, working with their pastor, John Piper, to launch a church-wide Bible memory challenge. In January 1997, Piper challenged his congregation to commit to regular Bible memory with the Fighter Verses.
Following that successful launch, in partnership with Children Desiring God (now Truth78), the verses were expanded and organized into a five-year Bible memory program. Each week for the past 25 years, individuals, families, and church members have been memorizing a verse or passage that equips Christians to fight the fight of faith.
We praise God for His grace and the love for His Word that is visible in believers around the world who have joyfully committed themselves to memorizing the Fighter Verses. The experiences shared as the people of God learn these verses bears witness to the fact that the Word of God is mighty and that God is able to accomplish more than we could ever ask or imagine. May the Lord bless you, as we have been blessed, as you endeavor to hide the Word of God in your heart.
Support Fighter Verses
The Fighter Verses program is a product of Truth78, a nonprofit ministry dedicated to telling the next generation of “the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done...so that they should set their hope in God" (Psalm 78:4-7).
Your support helps us provide children with God-centered resources in their own language; to equip churches, schools, and families of limited means; and to prepare teachers with vision and training so that the next generation might know, honor, and treasure Jesus Christ.
Scripture taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. ESV Text Edition: 2016. Used by permission. All rights reserved.